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Fees and Rebates


Individual Therapy

All individual therapy sessions run for approximately 50 mins.

​Our Clinical Psychologists charge $255​

Our Clinical Psychology Registrars charge $210


Couples Therapy

All couples therapy sessions are 60 minutes in duration and charged at $300


Neurocognitive Assessments


Prices may vary depending upon referral question.

Please contact us for more information.

Medicare Rebates

Medicare rebates are available for individual therapy sessions only. You are entitled to 10 Medicare rebates per calendar year if you have a current Mental Health Care plan from your GP.


The rebate provided for these sessions currently for a Clinical Psychologist is $141.85 and for a registered psychologist is $96.65.


Unfortunately, Couples Therapy sessions and neurocognitive assessments are not eligible for Medicare rebates.

Private Health Insurance

If you are not attending under a Mental Health Care Plan and you have private health insurance, you may be eligible to claim rebates. Please contact your insurance provider for information on your rebates and coverage. You can claim directly with your insurer after your session. 

Cancellation Policy

As appointment times are in high demand, we require 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment or a cancellation fee will be charged. This policy ensures we have adequate time to fill any available spots with waitlisted clients.


We are also approved by SIRA to provide psychological services under the WorkCover or CTP. In order to attend sessions under WorkCover or CTP we require a GP referral, date/s of the incident/s, name & contact details of your case manager and the name of Insurer & Claim number. 

 WorkCover and CTP
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